THANK YOU to beautiful babies Ricky and Dana Young-Howse for this fabulous honor as well as @pghfringe for creating a fabulous virtual platform that allowed artists like me to digitally step inside everyone's living room to perform live during the darkest and most desperate of times!
Even though I feel very worthy of this award - being on the receiving end of an honor such as this is a somewhat unfamiliar feeling - as, if you can imagine it - there are people out there who still have yet to recognize my many talents - simply because they have never heard of me and therefore have no idea who I am. 😬
I share this award with my FABULOUS musical director, Frankie Keys Spitznagel - and my darling partner, my rock Shane Taymor (aka Sean Taylor) Shoutout to my Mama and her new husband for their ongoing support and my little gray cat, Liza Meownelli!
Thank you all, I love you! Good night!!